Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chinese Technique to Get Pregnant - Read This Article on How to Get Pregnant After a Miscarriage

By Sarah Wayne

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Natural solutions to fertility and miscarriage problems

It is a form of nutropathic treatment along with acupuncture for curing problems related to infertility and pregnancy alike. There is a sure shot Chinese technique to get pregnant.
It is also useful in the treatment of infertility which has no reasons or the cause for which could not be diagnosed. Chinese medicine also helps in the support and balance of the body. The treatment used for different patients varies vastly. Depending upon the rate of infertility, the level of treatment is designed and carried out.
A treatment used acupuncture for 6 times and each of which was conducted once in a week. This was continued by similar 4 times of acupuncture and this time it is altered to two sessions a week. When this set of sessions do not work, there are a few more sessions of the same sort conducted just before the menstrual cycle of the woman and this Chinese technique to get pregnant has worked for many. It balances and supports the body to regain the fertility.
Let me now tell you how the acupuncture method works to cure infertility. Often, the reproductive organ site is targeted for inserting the needles in a woman. The function od the inserted needles is to flow of blood. This increase is facilitated by using the extra nutrition and hormones which we can find in the blood stream. The results can be verified by measuring the amount of follicle and egg that has increased in production. This has too worked in many women and it has been proven.
The kind of food that a woman consumes also has an important role to play in the process of gaining fertility and becoming pregnant after a miscarriage. A balanced diet provides all the essential nutrients which is required for the flow of blood in the absence of which the production of eggs may be affected. There is also a possibility that the eggs produced are not of appropriate quality. Acupuncture is only a part of a whole process of Chinese technique to get pregnant. However, when the matters are trivial, this method is solely enough to gain a woman her fertility. Along with the treatment of needles, a strong advice about proper food intake is also given. This needle treatment is often not used for patients who are phobic to injections.
People often fail to understand the importance of a proper diet in aspects of fertility and pregnancy. The results which show them how they have shaped their bodies by the food they eat usually amazes them. The body is sensitive to food which is very crucial for the fertility level. Apart from fertility, the food sensitivity test also helps a range of other health ailments.
Therefore, these are the Chinese techniques to get pregnant.
You can read more on a blog called Getting Pregnant After A Miscarriage and learn how the "Pregnancy Miracle" helped out a lot of mid aged women.

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Easy & scientific solutions for miscarriage & infertility
Natural solutions to fertility and miscarriage problems

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Should You Look For Signs of Conception After a Miscarriage?

By David Delae

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Natural solutions to fertility and miscarriage problems

A new study in New Delhi, India has concluded that a miscarriage should not hold you back from starting right away with the plans for your next pregnancy. The study confirmed that if women conceive within six months of a miscarriage, the chances for a healthy pregnancy with very low complication rates are possible.
Gynecologists have stated that women who have suffered through a miscarriage also have a greater risk of a second miscarriage. They have also suggested that complications in subsequent pregnancies significantly increase after a miscarriage. They are more likely to experience threatened miscarriage, pre-term birth, induced labor, and postpartum hemorrhaging.
The study, which was conducted at the University of Aberdeen, consisted of over 30,000 women that had visited hospitals between 1981 and 2000. All of the participants had a miscarriage and then had conceived again. Of those women studied that had become pregnant within six months, 85% of those women delivered a healthy, happy baby.
These results debunk previous recommendations issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) that women should wait more than 6 months after a miscarriage. The study demonstrated that women who became pregnant within 6 months after a miscarriage were less likely to have another miscarriage when compared to women who waited 6 to 12 months to conceive again.
Dr. Sohinee Bhattacharya, lead researcher at the University of Aberdeen, stated, "Our research shows that it is unnecessary for women to delay conception after a miscarriage. The current WHO guidelines may need to be reconsidered. As per our results, women wanting to become pregnant soon after a miscarriage should not be discouraged. There may be cases where a delay is desirable, for example if there are signs of infection."
This study clearly shows that women can begin to plan a new pregnancy shortly after a miscarriage. But, this study only discusses the physical aspects. A miscarriage does have serious mental health implications which need to also be addressed. Therefore, although physically able to become pregnant immediately after a miscarriage, it is recommended that the woman be mentally able to handle the emotional aspects of the loss she has just suffered before attempting to conceive again.
Click signs of conception for instant access to free tips, tricks, reviews, and hot insider information on the signs of conception.

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Easy & scientific solutions for miscarriage & infertility
Natural solutions to fertility and miscarriage problems

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

How to Determine the Cause of Recurrent Miscarriage

By Jenos Lydian

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Easy & scientific solutions for miscarriage & infertility
Natural solutions to fertility and miscarriage problems

Unfortunately, you may already have suffered one or more miscarriages before a thorough evaluation is performed. Work with your doctor to try to find the cause of your recurrent miscarriages. Talk with your doctor about your medical history, your experiences during past pregnancies, and any risk factors or medical conditions that you may have. Your doctor will want to perform a complete physical examination and will also likely order many diagnostic tests in an attempt to determine a cause for the miscarriages.

Following is a checklist of possible tests and studies that you may be asked to undergo:

Blood tests: Your blood will be checked for progesterone level, certain viruses, diabetes, thyroid function, blood-clotting disorders, other immune disorders.

Pelvic infection testing: The vagina and uterus may be swabbed and the swabs sent to the laboratory to test for infection.

Genetic evaluation: The miscarriage tissue, you, and your partner may be tested for the presence of abnormal chromosomes.

Ultrasound: Ultrasonic sound waves are used to create an image of your pelvis on a monitor and your pelvic anatomy can be evaluated for possible problems.

Sonohysterogram: In this specific type of ultrasound of the uterus, sterile water is first injected into the uterus for better viewing and evaluation of potential abnormalities.

Hysterosalpingography: This is a special type of x-ray (called fluoroscopy) of the uterus and fallopian tubes performed after injection with dye. It helps detect some problems within the uterus and pelvic anatomy. However, HSG is best suited to determine the openness of the fallopian tubes.

Hysteroscopy: A narrow telescope-like device is inserted into the uterus to view the inside of the uterus and check for abnormalities.

Remember that even if no underlying cause is found, many women go on to have future successful pregnancies. If you and your doctor do find an underlying cause, treatment options are available so that you can hopefully enjoy future successful pregnancies.

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Recommended Reading
Easy & scientific solutions for miscarriage & infertility
Natural solutions to fertility and miscarriage problems

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